jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Shaka by Charecua

Today I got a notification from a blog reply from a friend, that reminded me that I had to scan a gift she made for me (sorry, my head is all over the place this days!)

So here it is, as promised:

Shaka of Virgo, from Saint Seiya in Charecua's style!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
What is amazing is how fast she works!!! I just saw her drawing and then grabbing her material and when I turned again to see, it was completely done!!!! Girl, you're my hero!!!!!!

Here's her blog: http://cuauhtli-charecua.blogspot.com/

Thank you very very much for this gift!!!! <3
I still owe you one!!!!

Big hugs!!!

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